Saturday, April 25, 2015

My Personal Website from USANA

We're excited from the moment we heard we'll be receiving a personal website from USANA Health Sciences. It just take not more than 10 minutes to personalize the website. Cool!!

First, the website provides "links" to Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, Instagram, Pinterest and LinkedIn. It is very convenient.

Second, it provides video clip on The Dr. Oz Show. Dr. Mehmet Oz is a renowned cardiothoracic surgeon, an author and television show host.

Third, the website provides a free online assessment on health. So, if you think you're healthy, then I challenge you to take this online assessment. It doesn't require you to purchase any products. At the end of the assessment, it will tell you where are the areas of your body is in risk.

Thanks for reading.

My Website:
My Wechat ID: choong_kit
USANA main website:
USANA award-winning blog:

Monday, March 23, 2015

NutriSearch Comparative Guide to Nutritional Supplements Review (3rd, 4th & 5th Edition)

The author of this book, NutriSearch Comparative Guide book, is Lyle MacWilliam. Mr. MacWilliam is an author, an educator and also a biochemist. He consults and advocates for the nutritional supplement industry. His research skills have been employed by several nutritional supplement manufacturers as well as Health Canada, Environment Canada and the British Columbia Science Council. Mr. Macwilliam is a former Member of the Legislature for British Columbia and Member of the Canadian House of Commons. Moreover, he is also an accomplished martial artist, who passionately involved in fitness and health, and eager to educate the global population about improving lifestyle.   

The comparative guide book 5th edition examine 1300 US supplement manufacturers and compare/ publish 1000 companies. Products that are examined are all multi-vitamin, since vitamin, mineral and antioxidant are the nutrients that people lack the most and also a full body protection for degenerative diseases. 

Each 1000 multi-vitamin products have a rating based on an analytical model which is a compilation of recommended daily intake by 12 independent nutritional experts.

Among 1000 companies compared, only 4 companies received the 5 Star rating and NutriSearch Gold Medal of Achievement. To get the Gold Medal of Achievement, there is 2 requirements are needed which is Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) certification and laboratory based product verification. And under GMP, there is 2 non-profit organization can be rewarded such a verification which are NSF and USP.   

So, can this book be trusted? To help answers this question. we need to take a simple thinking. Based on the rating, if you're the CEO of C company, and this comparative book rated your product "Performance" as 5.2% of product scoring, which is a low rating, and this can hamper the company reputation, What Do You Do? The answer is of course is to SUE the book publisher. Over 1000 companies, there is 800 to 900 companies who scored low ratings. If each of these low rated companies SUE the book publisher, DO YOU THINK THIS PUBLISHER CAN SURVIVE. Now the book is in 5th edition and still available at bookstore. How you think about this?  

3rd Edition
You can get graphical comparision image by click here.

You can also get some preview on 4th Edition, just click here.

USANA main website:
USANA award-winning blog:
My Website:
My Facebook:
My Wechat ID: choong_kit

         Your Health. Your Life. Your Way.

Monday, March 9, 2015

Caleb and USANA

This post is all about my old classmate and also my upline, his name is Caleb Teoh. Caleb is a Malaysia chindian, meaning both parents are chinese and indian, he do speaks both languages, but not indi to me. So, we studied our secondary education at Methodist Boys School (MBS) which is at Penang Island. We were classmates at Chinese class back then and we seldom talked much, honestly only we knew the existence of other.

I wasn't know that he start working at form 3 which is at the age of 15 until I joined USANA. At the age of 15, I was just a kid who played Lego most of the time after school finished. So, for his first job, he worked at car saloon, washing those car rims, first day RM7 since he didn't knew any at all, so after one year continuous washing, he knew how to wash the whole car and get paid RM50 per day.

Second job, he sold handphone to door steps just by a call from customer. So, after form 5, age 18, he decided not to continue studying but rather to step into society. He was a regular kid who had same thoughts with any kid out the street, who don't know what to do next. In life, it is a miracle when there is a man come out in the middle of nowhere and asking you :"Son, I see you doing nothing, how about coming over my place to work?". In life, if you ever meet this kind of people, you're considered as the most fortunate of the fortunate. If he willing to brush you with his resources, then there's no excuses not being the elite.

Third job, Shih Lin Taiwan Street Snacks. the beginning of the work at his first kiosk made tough job for him since he knew nothing about the operating system. All his friends visited him felt curious why this guy need to be so hard to himself with this kind of job, I mean selling Taiwan snacks or cuisine all with one man show without hiring someone. So, half a year later, he settled himself with the job. From 1 kiosk, he expanded to 5 kiosks within 5 years. So, how do you say about this?

In life, when things become so stable like a silence wave, it's a signal to start to think and worry about adversity, the tsunami. Something did happened in Shih Lin company while Caleb doing so great at the moment. The company went from good to bad, and from bad to worse. What I can say is about directors conflict within the company that made the company closed down. So, Caleb needed to close down all his 5 kiosks and giving out 5 figure amount for losses. This is his first major setback and yet to come another. Maybe you're wondering why Shih Lin is still operate now, because since close down, it was purchased by other company and operate in small scales.

While Caleb was cleaning those messes after the close down, he received the news that his both parents who are diabetes patients, both become paralyzed and in a critical situation. So, the doctor said something unusual to him. Have you ever heard any doctor in hospital who advice you to take supplements but not medicine when you are waiting for the cure. Caleb's doctor named Dr. Foo, recommended Caleb with USANA, taking Essentials, Biomega, Active Calcium, Proflavanol and Coquinone 10. So, Caleb was in doubt since he expected doctor's suggestion should be medicine not supplements. But because of doctor advise, he follow the advise but with hesitation. So, Caleb feeding both his parents with those 5 USANA supplements for 3 months. At the third month, he surprised with the results. Both parents become better conditions. So, he wonder why this brand so good that he didn't knew or heard about it and either his friends. Why this brand so good that no or less people were selling it or consuming it. Then he talked back to his doctor and knew that USANA was new to Malaysian and it only started with doctor and professional nutritionist.

Caleb is a man who dislike Multi-Level Marketing (MLM) company like AMWAY where upline earn downline money, pyramid scheme or Herbalife with inventory loading. But have you wonder why people such as Caleb who dislike MLM company eventually join USANA. So, what the secret about USANA? Why not you personally ask him youself. I'll provide the Facebook link, you can fb him, he welcome everyone who fb him and have the willingness to know. Give yourself a chance to see this company, a chance for yourself to personally feel these products what they can change you.

Lastly, I congratulate to those people who take initiative to check out this company and its products. Congratulation, you have find the only True Health, True Wealth and Time Freedom company. Thanks for reading this.

USANA main website:
USANA award-winning blog:
Caleb's Facebook:
Caleb Website:

How I End Up at USANA?

Early October 2014, I received a Wechat message from a old classmate, greeted me and asking about my attachment, I share my commitment to him and he told me that he is on something awesome, he share a link to me "", and said that :"it's a worth take a look at this company.". I visit the website and only knew it's just a company which sell nutritional supplements, and yet another MLM company. That moment was so coincidence that I was looking for PASSIVE INCOME, so i dig deeper on this company to find out more. For university graduate who try to find info, first place to start is with SEO or google. I googled "the best nutritional supplement", "the best .... in the world", "the best .... company", the results are "Why Amway Nutrilite the Best....", "The best supplements (it mean nutrients not brands)", so the Amway company stands out from the crowds even until now, while USANA company is in the midst.

It was then I come to the Nutrisearch Comparative Guide on supplements, that I only know that USANA rated the 5 Star rating and earn the Gold Medal of Achievement Award. The Nutrisearch Comparative Guide is an independent or third party review company or publisher, and more info on this comparative guide book I will write in another blog in details.

 Besides these, I also went to youtube to watch USANA channels, including the compensation plan, the products (EssentialsBiomega....), the company background, the awards/ accolades, the dissolution test with styrofoam, and the testimonies.

So, after all these searching and fact finding efforts, I still in hesitation on this company and it's products, so I called my old classmate and make an appointment, and wished to see the dissolution test between USANA biomega against Amway's Nutrilite omega 3.

That night, our first meeting, my old classmate named Caleb, showed his two comparative guide book the 3rd edition and 4th edition with torn covers. Caleb was surprised that I knew about the comparative guide book before he started to talk about the books. I told him the author named Lyle Macwilliam have a share stake in USANA company and many rumours stating that this book is not trustable since he use USANA as benchmark to review another 1000 supplement brands. A graphical comparison table showed out and he asked one decisive question :"Here are some supplement companies with their multi-vitamin brands reviewed, if you're the CEO of Herbalife company and this book rated your product "Formula 2" as 14.8% in product score, which make a bad rating for your company, what will you do?", I then said:"If I'm the CEO, I sure will sue this book publisher!" Caleb responded:" Of course! But this book rated 1000 plus supplement companies, if each one of them which get bad ratings sues the publisher, what do you think will happen to this publisher? How come the book is still published until now? And the latest book in the market is in 5th edition. So, now i'm asking u, CAN U TRUST THIS BOOK?" The conversation really struck my head.

( 3rd Edition )

Caleb also showed me the dissolution test where Styrofoam or polystyrene is used to dissolve with omega fish oil. After the test, it was obvious that which stands out the most. The dissolution test was a test for product's POTENCY. Potency means strong effect, without adequate ingredients there is less potency. WHAT IS THE MEANING OF EATING A SUPPLEMENTS OR A MEDICINE WHEN THERE IS NO EFFECT OR LESS EFFECT. Caleb showed me that USANA's products are POTENCY GUARANTEED and he convinced me with evident such as the dissolution test.

I was introduced by Caleb that the founder of USANA named Dr. Myron Wentz, who's vision is "a world free of suffering", and Dr. Myron received the ALBERT EINSTEIN AWARD in 2007. Have you ever seen any founder of Supplement Company received such award? I was being asked.

After the comparative guide book and the dissolution test, I was convinced with my own eyes and ears. As a graduate, I know that to fact find ourselves is the only way to know the real truth without trusting the rumors. I decided on the night even on the spot that I will take a shoot in this company. It is the products that amazed me, not the compensation plan.

And that night, I met another friend, Dylon, a talented youngster..... (to be continued)

USANA main website:
USANA award-winning blog: